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Theoretical Perspective создатель Mind Map: Theoretical Perspective

1. Behaviorist

1.1. Focus on Nurture

1.2. Language Knowledge: Semantic, Syntactic, and Morphemic

1.3. Theorist: Skinner

1.4. "The behaviorist perspective emphasizes the role of "nurture" and considers learning to occur based on stimuli, responses, and reinforcements that occur in the environment" (Otto (2010) p. 30).

2. Nativist

2.1. Focus on Nature

2.2. Language Knowledge: Syntactic

2.3. Theorist: Chomsky

2.4. "The nativist perspective emphasizes inborn or innate human capabilities (i.e.,"nature") as being responsible for language development" (Otto (2010) p.27).

3. Cognitive Developmentalist

3.1. Focus on Nature

3.2. Language Knowledge: Semantic and Morphemic

3.3. Theorist: Piaget

3.4. "The emphasis of this perspective is that language is aquired as maturation occurs and cognitive competencies develop" (Otto (2010) p. 30).

4. Interactionist

4.1. Focus on Nurture

4.1.1. Language Knowledge: Pragmatic

4.2. Theorists: Vygotsky, Bruner, and Halliday

4.3. "The interactionist perspective focuses on the primary role of sociocultural interaction in children's development of language knowledge" (Otto (2010) p. 33).

5. Reference: Otto, B. (2010). Language development in early childhood (3rd ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.