Type of Organisation for learning and development role understanding

Type of Organisation for learning and development role understanding

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Type of Organisation for learning and development role understanding by Mind Map: Type of Organisation for learning and development role understanding

1. Public

1.1. Mostly working with Government or government agencies

1.2. Consulates

1.2.1. Government Deployments Staff, visa & Passport service staff

1.3. Embassy

1.3.1. Government support staff on other country

1.4. Municipalities

1.4.1. Public support officers / Staff

2. Finance

2.1. Who work in banking or money related products

2.2. Banking

2.2.1. Bankers

2.3. Share sales and buying

2.3.1. Money Traders

3. Retails

3.1. Who sold Product and services

3.2. Manufacturing

3.2.1. Production Staff

3.3. Sales

3.3.1. Sales Personals

3.4. Service

3.4.1. Service Staff / Technical support