Individual (Distress - Individuals who face high amounts of stress and distress in Dickinson Coun...

Individual map - Target population: Dickinson County, Iowa (minus Lake Park and Terril Iowa) focusing on the levels of distress and burden on oneself.

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Individual (Distress - Individuals who face high amounts of stress and distress in Dickinson County, Iowa (minus Lake Park and Terril, Iowa) by Mind Map: Individual (Distress - Individuals who face high amounts of stress and distress in Dickinson County, Iowa (minus Lake Park and Terril, Iowa)

1. Physical Distress

2. obese

3. addict

4. cancer

5. sickness

6. poor

7. Financial Distress

8. Mental Distress

9. Emotional Distress

10. abuse

11. trauma

12. death

13. divorce

14. marriage

15. bipolar disorder

16. depression

17. anxiety

18. children