Level of Organization for Life

Levels of Organization for Life

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Level of Organization for Life by Mind Map: Level of Organization for Life

1. Cells

1.1. Bonded organelles

1.2. Makes organs

2. Tissues

2.1. Group of cells

2.2. Make up heart

3. Organs

3.1. Made up of tissues

4. Organ System

4.1. Part of respatory system

4.2. Made up of organs

5. Atom

5.1. smallest unit of matter

5.1.1. Takes up space

5.1.2. Made of billion of matters

6. Molecule

6.1. More than 1 element bond together

6.2. 1 is H2O

7. Macromolecule

7.1. More that 1 bonded molecules

7.2. A example is Lipid/ Fat molecule

8. Organelles

8.1. Bonded macromolecules

9. Organism

9.1. Such as a human

9.2. Population

9.2.1. Community Ecosystem Biome