Levels of organization of living things

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Levels of organization of living things by Mind Map: Levels of organization of living things

1. Atoms

1.1. atoms can join and create molecules

1.2. An atom is the smallest constituent unit of ordinary matter

1.3. Every solid, liquid, gas, and plasma is composed of neutral atoms

2. molecule

2.1. an electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together

2.2. Molecules are distinguished from ions by their lack of electrical charge.

2.3. makes up solids liquids and gases

3. macromolecule

3.1. containing a very large number of atoms,

3.2. contains nucleic acid some of these are DNA and RNA

3.3. contains protein

4. organ system

4.1. are the integumentary, muscular,

4.2. skeletal, nervous,

4.3. circulatory, lymphatic

5. organelles

5.1. not in bacterial cells

5.2. specialized cellular structure

5.3. nucleus in in organelle

6. tissues

6.1. There are four main types of tissue:

6.2. muscle,epithelial

6.3. connective and nervous system tissues

7. cells

7.1. basic building blocks of living things.

7.2. their own specialised function.

7.3. provide structure

8. organism

8.1. individual animal

8.2. plant or celled life form

8.3. material structure of an individual life form

8.4. material structure of an individual life form