Reconstruction of the South

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Reconstruction of the South by Mind Map: Reconstruction of the South

1. African Americans were active agents in the Reconstruction of the South

2. Andrew Johnson plan was rejected

3. Republican Congress enacted laws and Constitutional amendments

4. federal government enforced the principle of equal rights, and gave black Southerners the right to vote

5. Ulysses S. Grant worked to reconcile the North and South while also attempting to protect the civil rights of newly freed black slaves

6. Reconstruction after the Civil War took place during Grant's first term of office

7. Ten- Percent Plan was quickly rejected

8. Reconstruction lasted from 1865 to 1877

9. Reconstruction was to help the South be a part of the Union again

10. Reconstruction was widely viewed as an era of corruption and misgovernment

11. After the war Ulysses S. Grant main focus was Reconstruction

12. Ulysses S. Grant served as president for two years

13. Grant defeated Democrat Horatio Seymour in the 1868 presidential election

14. Johnson plan was believed to be a fail because of Southern sates