Claim-Athletes do not get over paid because all of their lives they worked for it and earned it.

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Claim-Athletes do not get over paid because all of their lives they worked for it and earned it. by Mind Map: Claim-Athletes do not get over paid because all of their lives they worked for it and earned it.

1. Reason # 1 - Athletes in professional sports do not get overpaid,because they work for it.

1.1. Evidence

1.2. Evidence

2. River Wilson

3. Counterclaim-Jesse Edelman states in the article “Are Athletes Overpaid?”, that athletes like LeBron James make too much money because he makes more than doctors and nurses,

4. Reason # 2 -Athletes are not overpaid because a lot of pros use the money for homeless shelters and help kids get into good colleges.

4.1. Evidence

4.2. Evidence

5. Rebuttal- Lebron entertains people and uses his money for kids to get into college.

6. This is Why Athletes Are Not Overpaid!....

7. Lead/thesis/hook

8. Intro- Have you ever been brought into an argument about athletes being “overpaid”? Well athletes are not overpaid. A lot of people think athletes get paid way too much