Instruments of Comercial Policies

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Instruments of Comercial Policies by Mind Map: Instruments of Comercial Policies

1. Tariff

1.1. Is a tax on imports and exports between countries.

2. Subsidies

2.1. This is a form of financial aid or support extended to a economy sector.

3. Import quotas

3.1. This is a type of trade restriction that sets a limit on the quantity of a product that can be imported into a country in a given period of time.

4. Voluntary export limitations

4.1. This is a type of trade restriction that sets a limit on the quantity of some products that can be exported into a country in a given period of time.

5. Local content requirements

5.1. This is a policy that measures a certain percentage of the production processes to be sourced from domestic manufacturers.

6. Diego Carreon

7. Administrative policies

7.1. this are for employees to help them understand basic rules of the office. This rules are typically presented during an employee's orientation period.