Gaurika and Sid TOK Essay “The production of knowledge is always a collaborative task and never ...

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Gaurika and Sid TOK Essay “The production of knowledge is always a collaborative task and never solely a product of the individual.” by Mind Map: Gaurika and Sid TOK Essay  “The production of knowledge is always a collaborative task and never solely a product of the individual.”

1. Keywords

1.1. product

1.1.1. result of an action or process

1.2. knowledge

1.2.1. facts, information, and skills acquired through experience and WOKs

1.3. solely

1.3.1. not involving anyone or anything else

2. Key Phrases

2.1. collaborative task

2.1.1. A task completed or worked on by 2 or more individuals

2.2. product of an individual

2.2.1. something completed by a sole person, it is their own knowledge

2.3. production of knowledge

2.3.1. it is when individuals think about an idea and look further into it

3. Rewrite

3.1. To what extent is knowledge production based on previous shared knowledge?

3.2. How much of a role does personal knowledge play in the production of knowledge?

4. Rewrite

5. Connections to Classes

5.1. Natural Science

5.1.1. Physics

5.1.2. Isaac Newton discovering the laws of gravity in the natural sciences Connection Reason, Sense perception Methodology Connection WOK Framework Area

5.1.3. Chemistry

5.1.4. The development of the Buckminsterfullerene carbon allotrope Connection WOKs: Reason, Sense perception Framework Areas: Methodology and Historical Development

5.2. Human Science

5.2.1. Psychology

5.2.2. John Bowlby and the discovery of Attachment Theory Attachment Theory is the theory that attempts to describe the long-term and short-term differences between interpersonal relationships between people Reason, sense perception Historical Development, Scope and Application