Evaluation criteria MYP Sciences

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Evaluation criteria MYP Sciences by Mind Map: Evaluation criteria MYP Sciences

1. Criterion C Processing and evaluating

1.1. With this assessment criterion you will be evaluated on data prosessing, conclusions and evlauation of data obtainied in a lab, or from online data bases.

2. Criterion D Reflecting on the impact of Science

2.1. With this assessment criterion you will be evaluated on your research into how Science is able to solve world wide problems and analysing the benefits and limitations of these scientific solutions. Referencing is important, just as being authentic.

3. Criterion B Inquiring and designing

3.1. With this assessment criterion you will be evaluated on the design of an investigation using the scientific method

4. Criterion A Knowledge and understanding

4.1. In this criterion Knowledge and understanding of the theory and skils from the Unit Planner are assessed. this can be test, quizes or even class presentations.