Argumentative Essay Structure

This diagram outlines the structure of an argumentative essay following the 5-paragraph approach. You can use this template as a starting point for your writing assignment.

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Argumentative Essay Structure by Mind Map: Argumentative Essay Structure

1. Thesis Statement

1.1. Setting the context

1.2. Exigence

1.3. Presentation of thesis statement

2. Conclusion

2.1. Synthesis of the information presented in the body of the essay

2.2. Review of thesis in light of the provided evidence

3. First Argument

3.1. Presentation of the second strongest argument in support of the thesis statement

3.2. Evidential support

3.2.1. Warrant

3.3. (Discussion of opposing views)

4. Second Argument

4.1. Presentation of the third strongest argument in support of the thesis statement

4.2. Evidential support

4.2.1. Warrant

4.3. (Discussion of opposing views)

5. Third Argument

5.1. Presentation of the strongest argument in support of the thesis statement

5.2. Evidential support

5.2.1. Warrant

5.3. (Discussion of opposing views)