What is Health Informatics?

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What is Health Informatics? by Mind Map: What is Health Informatics?

1. Organisation

1.1. Health care services delivery

1.2. Privacy/Confidentiality of data

1.3. Government systems and policies

2. Global health

2.1. Population health and wellbeing

2.2. Quality of health care services

2.3. Epidemiology

2.3.1. Understanding of diseases

2.3.2. Targeted groups

2.3.3. Causes

3. Education

3.1. University

4. Health related data

4.1. Collection

4.2. Storage

4.3. Retrieval

4.4. Manipulation

4.5. Communication

5. Technology

5.1. e-health

5.2. Access patients' information

5.3. e-records

5.4. Computer sciences

5.4.1. Digitalised data Data processing

5.5. Information systems

5.6. Information technology

5.7. Information management

5.8. Information sciences

6. Research

6.1. Statistics

6.2. Resources

7. Evidence-based practice

7.1. Integrated data

8. Health care environment

8.1. Application of principles

8.1.1. Clinical practice Effective and efficient Work faster, smarter, and easier Giving the best treatment to patients Use the least cost

8.2. Problem solving

8.3. Decision making

8.4. Reduce unintended outcomes

8.4.1. Medication errors