Chapter 4: Individualized Routes to the Destination

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Chapter 4: Individualized Routes to the Destination by Mind Map: Chapter 4: Individualized Routes to the Destination

1. UDL as a Framework for Education Design:

2. Learner Capacities

3. Previous Goal: Master the skill or knowledge

4. Learning depends on context for the learner

5. Allows for positive learning outcomes and a well designed curriculum

6. Must understand the context of learning

7. This idea is flawed because:

8. How to use learner capacity effectively:

9. Usually the individual and the context of learning and the environment are considered separate

10. Usually the learner has strengths and weaknesses and those are considered to not ever change

11. This means that it will also be used to understand that the learner will act and perform different depending on the environment, context, and circumstances even though they have specific strengths, weaknesses, abilities, or inabilities.

12. This means that you use the context to understand how the learner will use their "internal capacity" to achieve their goals

13. References

14. Meyer, A., Rose, D., Gordon, D., (2014). Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice. Wakefield, MA: CAST.

15. Towards a Critical Theory of Disability in Social Work. (2005). Retrieved from

16. Usually is made up of two groups: gifted and students with learning disabilties

17. Vary over time and different situations

18. Learner Variability

19. The Goal for Education Now: become experts at learning

20. Predict variability creates flexibility

21. Allows for individualized instruction and customization

22. Usually is individualized to the extreme

23. This means that you use the variability to predict what the learners will do and how they will learn best.

24. This idea is flawed because:

25. This means it will also be used to use the predictions to maintain flexible learning options to achieve success for most learners

26. How to use variability effectively: