1. Descriptive Statistics
1.1. Interpreting the Data
1.1.1. Scatterplots linear, curvilinear, high correlation, moderate, or no correlation
1.1.2. Measures z score T score Percentile rank Stanine score
1.1.3. Normal Curve Symmetrical (looks like the traditional bell curve)
1.2. Organizing Data
1.2.1. Frequency distributions Arranging from highest to lowest All scores must be included
1.2.2. Graphic presentation (gives visuals) Histograms Frequency polygon (line graph)
1.2.3. Measures Mean, Median, Mode
1.2.4. Distribution Shapes Symmetrical Positive and Negative Skews
2. Experimental Research Designs
2.1. Symbols X Y S(Ss) E C R Mr
2.2. True Experimental Designs Randomized subjects, post test only control group Randomized matched subjects, post test only control group Randomized subjects, pretest/post test control group Solomon three group Solomon four group
2.3. Factorial designs Simple factorial
2.4. Experimental Designs Between subjects (compares two groups) Within subjects/repeated measures
2.5. Quasi experimental Designs (design 9)Non-randomized control group/pretest post test (design 10) Counterbalanced design (design 11) one-group time series (design 12) Control group time series
2.5.1. Validity threats for design 9 interaction of selection and maturation interaction of selection and regression interaction and selection and instrumentation
3. Sampling and Inferential Statistics
3.1. Tests Non-directional Directional
3.2. Determining Sample Size Statistical test that will be used Acceptable level of error Effect size Desired probability
3.3. Null Hypothesis No actual relationship between the variables and observed relationship
3.4. Sampling Population Sample Sampling Statistical inference
3.5. Types of Sampling Simple random Cluster Systematic Stratified Convenience Quota Purposive
4. Experimental Research
4.1. Variables Independent Dependent
4.2. Characteristics Control Manipulation Observation Measurement
4.3. Experimental Comparison Experimental group Control group True control group Comparison group
4.4. Validity Internal Statistical conclusion Construct validity External validity
4.4.1. Threats (Internal) History effect Maturation Testing Effect Instrumentation Statistical regression Selection bias Attrition Selection-maturation interaction Experimenter effect Subjects effects Diffusion
4.4.2. Threats (statistical conclusion) low power violation assumptions low reliability
4.4.3. Threats (construct validity) Measure Manipulation Reactivity Experimenter effect
4.4.4. Threats (external validity) Setting-treatment interaction Pretest-treatment interaction Selection-treatment interaction Subject effects or reactive effect Experimenter effects