PC Operating Systems
by Raul Roque
1. Mac OS X
1.1. Pros:
1.1.1. The software and hardware are ment to work togheter.
1.1.2. Its good and easy to work.
1.2. Cons:
1.2.1. It can't be installed in a windows based computer.
1.2.2. Mac OS X runs most games but not all of them like the Windows based computers.
2. Ubuntu 11.04
2.1. Pros:
2.1.1. Free software can be downloaded from any source.
2.1.2. Open source software
2.2. http://bit.ly/flNMKJ
2.3. Cons:
2.3.1. A lot of bugs
2.3.2. It does not have a music manager
3. Windows 7
3.1. Pros:
3.1.1. Friendly made so it is very easy to navigate
3.1.2. New interface better than the rest windows Operating System
3.2. Cons:
3.2.1. The drivers are difficult and some times they dont work properly.
3.2.2. Expensive.