"What Every Good Project Needs": A Guide for Instructional Design

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"What Every Good Project Needs": A Guide for Instructional Design by Mind Map: "What Every Good Project Needs": A Guide for Instructional Design

1. Goal 2: Engage students

2. Goal 1: Access their prior knowledge

3. A personal connection to the project

4. "Need to Know"

5. Goal 3: Allow students to begin questioning

6. "A Driving Question" and "Student Voice and Choice"

7. Goal 1: Give students a question that will drive their curiosity and challenge them

8. Goal 2: Give students choice in what type of project they will create, how they can create it, the resources they use, or etc. They need to be heard and allowed to take control of their project.

9. Goal 3: Allow for presentations of the product to real life people outside of the classroom

10. The project has an educational purpose

11. "21st Century Skills" and "Inquiry and Innovation"

12. Goal 1: Expose them to as many real life skills as possible. Examples: communication, teamwork, critical thinking.

13. Goal 2: Create innovation through real life inquiry. Students will need coaching from facilitator.

14. "Feedback and Revision" and "A Publicly Presented Product"

15. Goal 1: Establish an environment where feedback and revision is important to get to their goal

16. Goal 2: Allow for students to give feedback to others, develop a plan and establish routines to do this. This will allow students to revise their projects to allow for further exploration and growth.