What Does an Account Manager Do?

There's more to key account management than meets the eye. Learn what an account manager does in this mind map.

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What Does an Account Manager Do? by Mind Map: What Does an Account Manager Do?

1. Business Reviews

1.1. Preparation

1.1.1. Formatting

1.1.2. Running

1.1.3. Quality checking

1.2. Analysis

1.3. Recommendations

1.4. Setting meetings

1.5. Preparing agenda

1.6. follow up

2. Planning

2.1. QBR

2.1.1. Opportunities

2.2. Optimisation Plans

2.3. Calendar management

2.4. Task management

2.5. Communication

2.6. Relatoinships

2.6.1. Daily outreach LinkedIn Email

2.7. Retention

2.8. Profitability

3. Education

3.1. Internal

3.2. Business Engagement

3.3. Webinars

3.4. Supplier Days

3.5. User Forums / Lunch & Learn

3.6. Product info and updates

3.7. Best practice

4. CRM

4.1. admin

4.2. contact management

4.3. contract management

4.4. risk management

4.5. opportunity management

4.6. cases & incidents

4.7. meetings

4.8. training

4.9. content library

4.10. marketing campaigns

5. Advocacy

5.1. Customer service

5.2. Product

5.3. Finance

5.4. Customer Setup

5.5. Management

5.6. Technical

5.7. Global

6. Retention

6.1. Renewals

6.2. RFPs

6.3. Expansion

6.4. pro-formas

6.5. forecasting

6.6. gap analysis

7. Issue Management

7.1. Escalations

8. Prospects

8.1. support sales

8.1.1. Presentation

8.1.2. Trade Shows

9. Product Feedback

9.1. development

9.2. information

9.3. road maps

9.4. bugs

10. Savings

10.1. Processes

10.2. Suppliers

10.3. Product mix

10.4. Buyer behaviour

10.5. Forecasting

10.6. Benchmarking

10.7. Savings Plans

10.8. Standard vs customised

10.9. Fees (total cost of program)

10.10. Monitoring

10.11. Targets

10.11.1. Flexibility

11. Technical

11.1. Configuration

11.2. Integration

11.2.1. HR Feeds

11.2.2. Expense Management

11.2.3. SSO

11.3. Bugs

12. Managing the relationships

12.1. introducing other teams/stakeholders

12.2. Updating customer service with requirements

12.3. relationship mapping - who needs to know who

12.3.1. customer engagement plan

12.3.2. add contacts to CRM

12.4. Hosted events

12.5. Supplier relationships

12.6. Webinars

12.7. Focus Groups

12.8. first test customers/pilots

12.9. referees

12.10. surveys

12.11. Case studies

13. Meetings

13.1. QBR

13.2. Preparation

13.2.1. internal

13.3. Relationship

13.4. Issue resolution

13.4.1. internal

13.5. contract

13.6. suppliers

13.7. expansion

13.8. introductions

13.9. internal (training/workshops/updates)

13.10. Optimisation/planning

13.11. Notes and follow up

14. Process

14.1. Review & Design

14.2. Internal

15. Driving growth

15.1. Revenue

15.1.1. consulting

15.1.2. Suppliers

15.1.3. AM fees

15.1.4. reporting

15.1.5. What are the opportunities

15.2. Leakage

15.3. HAR

15.4. Expansion

15.5. Sourcing

15.6. Data consolidations

15.7. Research / News / Updates

15.8. Re-engagement

15.9. Macro/Micro economic forces

16. Data

16.1. Reporting

16.1.1. Trends

16.1.2. Insights

16.1.3. Actions

16.1.4. Convert to opportunity

16.1.5. What does it mean?

16.1.6. Context

16.2. Objectives

16.2.1. What do they want to achieve

16.2.2. Tracking & monitor

16.3. Quality

16.3.1. Consistency

16.3.2. Accuracy

16.4. Analysis

16.4.1. Deviants vs Compliant

16.5. Customisation

17. Change management

17.1. Recommendations

17.2. communication strategy

17.3. expansion

17.4. education

17.5. training

17.6. stakeholder support

17.7. implementation

17.8. project plans

17.9. ongoing review and tracking