TEDxAmsterdam2011 Ideas worth spreading

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TEDxAmsterdam2011 Ideas worth spreading by Mind Map: TEDxAmsterdam2011 Ideas worth spreading

1. Idea 1

1.1. What

1.1.1. ongelukgemist.nl

1.2. Aantal stemmen:

1.2.1. 9

1.3. Why

1.3.1. ter voorkoming van kijkersfiles

1.3.2. maatschappelijke bijdrage

1.4. Who

1.4.1. doelgroep: alle automobilisten en ramptoerisme

1.5. When

1.5.1. dagellijks

1.6. Where

1.6.1. on line real time

1.6.2. via verschillende media

1.6.3. tweetpics

1.7. How

1.7.1. what is the first step? virale marketing campagne

1.8. door:

1.8.1. @gregoraaij

1.8.2. @lennartsloof

2. Idea 2

2.1. What

2.1.1. DOEN!

2.2. Aantal stemmen:

2.2.1. 8

2.3. Why

2.3.1. Het is het enige wat er toe doet

2.4. Who

2.4.1. Iedereen die durft te dromen

2.4.2. En de discipline heeft er wat mee te doen

2.5. When

2.5.1. Als je een idee hebt

2.6. Where

2.7. How

2.7.1. Door met anderen samen te werken

2.7.2. Door met anderen samen stappen te zetten

2.8. Contact

2.8.1. Björn Wijman

2.8.2. [email protected]

3. Idea 3

3.1. What

3.1.1. Pinc.13 congres

3.1.2. De nederlandse TED

3.1.3. al 13 jaar

3.1.4. nam het idea van TED mee uit USA

3.1.5. met zn allen naar pinc

3.2. Aantal stemmen:

3.2.1. 6

3.3. Why

3.4. Who

3.4.1. www.pinc.nl

3.5. When

3.6. Where

3.6.1. figi zeist

3.7. How

3.7.1. what is the first step?

3.8. contact

4. Idea 4

4.1. What

4.1.1. stimulate whole brain thinking through the TEDx platform

4.1.2. complexe ideeen oplossen met hele brein denken

4.1.3. resultaat: leiders voor toekomst

4.2. Aantal stemmen:

4.2.1. 10

4.3. Why

4.3.1. we can't solve the problems of our (conceptual) age with 'just' left hemisphere thinking

4.3.2. Check out : Daniel Pink - a Whole New Mind blogpost homepage TEDxAmsterdam

4.4. Who

4.4.1. everyone older than 8 years

4.5. When

4.5.1. ASAP

4.6. Where

4.6.1. everywhere

4.7. How

4.7.1. what is the first step? develop a TEDx program aiming at traiining children, students, professionals in Whole Brain Thinking

4.8. please add to this idea! Tweet @jerrelubberts

4.9. Mijn waardering van dit idea (vul svp in):

4.9.1. reaction Jeanne: brillant initiative; stop thinking start acting

4.10. Other contribution

4.10.1. Developing a creative rythim

4.10.2. recommended reading todd Henry - Accidental Creative

4.10.3. Other recources Brightbeez.nl

5. Idea 6

5.1. What

5.1.1. spread the Idea's worth spreading using a musical thread that goes on and on

5.1.2. bottomless worldwide web band

5.1.3. every musician, composer translates the idea using his her words, music to add to eachaother, give meaning, spreading idea's without a plan

5.2. Aantal stemmen:

5.2.1. 13

5.2.2. New node

5.3. Why

5.3.1. good idea's should be spread in many ways

5.3.2. combine the world of the composers who can't play with musicians who can't find the right words combine talents to spread good idea's

5.4. Who

5.4.1. musicians, composers, people with good idea's

5.5. When

5.5.1. ASAP

5.6. Where

5.6.1. world wide

5.7. How

5.7.1. what is the first step? set up a TEDx webpage for people who want to help spread a good idea and can contribute either with music, words or good iea's

5.8. idea by Bernard: @heringmusic

5.9. please add to this idea! Tweet @jerrelubberts or @heringmusic

5.10. Mijn waardering van dit idea (vul svp in):

5.10.1. Reactie Jerre: love this idea!

5.10.2. Danielle Scheermans leuk initiatief

6. Idea 5

6.1. What

6.1.1. We're talking about the whole brain, and now i ask you which people are the most free spirits? No Elderly Yes Children

6.2. Aantal stemmen:

6.2.1. 20

6.3. Why

6.3.1. Daniel Pink Whole brain Stimulate hollistic thinking

6.3.2. Jealous: Children Hollistic Thinkers

6.3.3. Facilitate Education because Hopeless situation

6.3.4. Learning is addictive, and teaching gives you satisfaction.

6.4. Who

6.4.1. Iedereen

6.5. When

6.6. Where

6.6.1. Middle East

6.7. How

6.7.1. Creating a flywheele of knowledge

6.7.2. Current Technology Deliver knowledge for free

6.7.3. Use Data in current sitiuation

6.7.4. Give a child a fish and feed him for a day, Teach a child how to fish, and feed him for his life. It's our job to learn this to the children

6.7.5. We teach a child something on monday they teach that specific subject to their younger peers on tuesday

6.7.6. We let them learn and teach at the same time Creating problem solvers of the new world Sharing the learning curve

6.8. Contact:

6.8.1. Kevin Rommen

6.8.2. @kevinrommen

6.8.3. [email protected]

6.9. Mijn waardering van dit idea (vul svp in):

7. These ideas were 'donated' at the Idea Donation Center at the simulcast-location of Deloitte

8. Idea 7

8.1. What

8.1.1. Cursus Engels voor alle TedX sprekers

8.2. Aantal stemmen:

8.2.1. 3

8.2.2. 6

8.3. Why

8.3.1. De boodschap op een goeie manier over te brengen

8.3.2. Sterke boodschap maar beheersen de taal niet voldoende verlies van de kracht

8.4. Who

8.4.1. Ted sprekers

8.5. When

8.5.1. asap

8.5.2. Voor de volgende TedTalk

8.6. Where

8.7. How

8.7.1. inzetten van docenten native speakers

8.8. Contact

8.8.1. Jochem Koole

8.9. please add to this idea! Tweet @jerrelubberts

8.10. Mijn waardering van dit idea (vul svp in):

8.11. Mijn waardering van dit idea (vul svp in):

9. Idea 9

9.1. What

9.1.1. Wiki van valse ideeën

9.1.2. Voor dingen die niet kloppen

9.1.3. maar mensen wel denken dat die regelmatig kloppen

9.1.4. populare denkbeelden die verkeerd zijn

9.1.5. Nieuw knooppunt

9.2. Aantal stemmen:

9.2.1. 11

9.3. Why

9.3.1. Valse ideeën zijn hardnekkig

9.3.2. hebben grote impact wereld mensen

9.4. Who

9.5. When

9.6. Where

9.7. How

9.7.1. links met uitleg

9.7.2. hoe en wat

9.7.3. bewijslast

9.8. Contact

9.8.1. Rogier Halvers

9.8.2. [email protected]

10. Idea 12

10.1. What

10.1.1. Door middel van muziek Ted Simulcastlocaties verbinden

10.1.2. geestelijke gezondheid verbeteren

10.2. Aantal stemmen:

10.2.1. 10

10.3. Why

10.3.1. Iedereen laten voelenvdat ze met elkaar verbonden zijn met ted

10.3.2. Nieuw knooppunt

10.4. Who

10.4.1. iedereen

10.5. When

10.5.1. volgend jaar

10.6. Where

10.6.1. de hele wereld

10.7. How

10.8. Contact

10.8.1. Niels van Graas @nielsvangraas

10.8.2. Geraldschaapman @geraldonline

11. Idea 10

11.1. What

11.1.1. 'super voyage' = trip incl. everything (medical care, transportation, food, )

11.2. Aantal stemmen:

11.2.1. 21

11.3. Who

11.3.1. people who want help organise

11.3.2. terminal ill patients

11.3.3. 'do gooders' with financial means

11.4. When

11.4.1. start as soon as possible

11.5. Where

11.5.1. make it practical: e.g. a villa in spain so you don't have to fly (low ecological print)

11.6. How

11.6.1. set up a matchmaking platform using the internet

11.7. Contact

11.7.1. Sandra Frensch

12. Idea 11

12.1. What

12.1.1. Recycling of non-material goods material goods

12.1.2. based on without monetary exchange

12.1.3. Ranking system to deserve credit

12.2. Aantal stemmen:

12.2.1. 2

12.3. Who

12.3.1. simply everybody

12.4. When

12.5. Where

12.5.1. Webshop - internet

12.5.2. But also encouraging local trading

12.6. How

12.6.1. links met uitleg

12.6.2. hoe en wat

12.6.3. bewijslast

12.7. Contact

13. Idea 13

13.1. What

13.1.1. TEDxFood

13.2. Why

13.2.1. C'om on, who doesn't like nice food?

13.2.2. food can be inspirational too

13.3. Who

13.3.1. professionals

13.3.2. amateurs

13.3.3. anything goes

13.4. When

13.4.1. I'd say spring/summer '12

13.5. Where

13.5.1. Anywhere

13.5.2. as long as the weather is remotely nice

13.5.3. perhaps outside?

13.6. How

13.6.1. what is the first step?

13.6.2. more people than just me who think this is a nice idea

14. Idea 8

14.1. What

14.1.1. Door middel van muziek Ted Simulcastlocaties verbinden

14.2. Aantal stemmen:

14.2.1. 17

14.3. Why

14.3.1. Iedereen laten voelenvdat ze met elkaar verbonden zijn met ted

14.3.2. Samen iets laten maken

14.4. Who

14.5. When

14.6. Where

14.7. How

14.7.1. Webcame verbinding met geluid

14.8. Contact

14.8.1. Martijn Arets

14.8.2. [email protected]