Acute Asthma Exacerbation

Mind Map for Chronic Asthma

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Acute Asthma Exacerbation создатель Mind Map: Acute Asthma Exacerbation

1. Treatment

1.1. Inhalers,

1.2. intubation

1.3. oxygen therapy

1.4. avoidance of allergens

2. Pathophysiology

2.1. Swelling of airways

2.2. Mucus secretion

2.3. arterial gas blood flow below normal

2.4. macrophages of BAL cells

3. Epidemiology

3.1. 11.5 million sufferers

3.2. 3 million children

4. Clinical Presentation

4.1. Wheezing

4.2. coughing

4.3. chest tightness

4.4. shortness of breath

4.5. recurrent episodes