Health Promotion 10 year old boy

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Health Promotion 10 year old boy by Mind Map: Health Promotion  10 year old boy

1. preventative care

1.1. well child visits

1.2. dental appointments

2. psychosocial

3. education

3.1. see guidance counselor

4. activity assessment

4.1. get outside more

4.2. limit sedentary activity

4.3. minimum 60min/day of activity from

5. diet

5.1. increase fruits/veggies

5.2. decrease fast food/sugar intake

6. sleep habits

6.1. encourage bed time routine

7. physical assessment

7.1. routine physicals

8. community involvement resources

8.1. camps

8.2. more involvement in school groups

9. scheduled immunizations

9.1. encourage yearly flu vaccine