(in)Tangible Now : Phenomenal Aesthetics & The Post-Representational Subject
by Stephanie Owens
1. Listening Post (Ben Rubin, Mark Hansen (2002)
2. Jack Burnham
2.1. The Future of Responsive Systems in Art
3. Graduate Seminar in Art - Spring 2012
4. "just-in-time" production
5. system aesthetics
5.1. LINK: The Future of Responsive Systems in Art
5.2. Beyond Modern Sculpture: The Effects of Science and Technology on the Sculpture of This Century (Jack Burnham, 1968)
6. subjectivity
7. Bruno Latour
7.1. actor-network theory
7.1.1. "Mediators transform, translate, distort, and modify the meaning or the elements they are supposed to carry"
8. Walter Benjamin
8.1. reproducibility
8.2. "... process reproduction is more independent of the original than manual reproduction. For example, in photography, process reproduction can bring out those aspects of the original that are unattainable to the naked eye yet accessible to the lens, which is adjustable and chooses its angle at will. And photographic reproduction, with the aid of certain processes, such as enlargement or slow motion, can capture images which escape natural vision." (The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, 1936)
8.3. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
9. Nicholas Bourriad
9.1. "the artwork is thus no longer presented to be consumed within a monumental time frame and open for a universal public; rather it elapses within a factual time, for an audience summonded by the artist." (Relational Aesthetics: 29)
9.2. "Otherwise put, the role of artworks is no longer to form imaginary and utopian realities, but to actually be ways of living and models of action within the existing real, whatever scale chosen by the artist." (Relational Aesthetics: 13)
10. empathy
11. Stephanie Owens, Visiting Associate Professor, Art
12. 01
12.1. perceiver/perceived
12.2. subject/object
12.3. material/sign
12.4. us/them
12.5. form/content
12.6. internal/external
12.7. - / +
13. Arjun Appadurai
13.1. global modernity
13.2. Modernity At Large
14. Nigel Thrift
14.1. non-representational theory
15. Paul Virilio
15.1. The Aesthetics of Disappearance
15.2. The Lost Dimension
16. Jean Baudrillard
16.1. Simulacra and Simulation
17.1. We believe the results presented here are part of a proof of concept of a more general idea: “Wasted” human processing power can be harnessed to solve problems that computers cannot yet solve. Some have referred to this idea as “human computation.” (reCAPTCHA: Human-Based Character Recognition via Web Security Measures": 1467)
18. The Sheep Market (Aaron Koblin (2006)
19. Journey (That Game Company 2011)
20. Evoke (Usman Haque, 2007)
21. We Feel Fine (Jonathan Harris, Sep Kamvar, 2006)
22. plural consciousness
23. subject/object
24. Maurice Merleau-Ponty
24.1. "l'entourage" : (the setting)
24.2. "I am no more aware of being the true subject of my sensation than of my birth or my death" (Phenomenology: 215)
24.3. The Primacy of Perception (1964)
25. post-representational art
26. crowd authorship
27. Paolo Virno
27.1. A Grammar of the Multitude
27.2. "Multitude signifies: plurality–literally: being-many–as a lasting form of the scoial and political existence, as opposed to the cohesive unity of the people. Thus, multitude consists of a network of individuals; the many are a singularity: (A Grammar of the Multitude: 76)
28. I/eye
29. human computation
29.1. Luis von Ahn
29.2. http://books.google.com/
30. Roy Ascott