Decision making as close to medical-humanitarian act & beneficiary as possible

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Decision making as close to medical-humanitarian act & beneficiary as possible by Mind Map: Decision making as close to medical-humanitarian act & beneficiary as possible

1. Project Positions are filled by capable & competent people

1.1. Project Positions are most attractive in MSF

1.1.1. Increased visibility for field positions

1.1.2. OCB HR strategy prioritises Field Recentrasliation Field Projects contribute to Global HR vision New OCB HR vision Other MSF initiatives to support? OCB Medical Academy? LEAP? International Rewards System? Mentoring & Coaching Programme? Symphony? OCB Trainings? SANOU + Induction?

2. Project Teams are given Autonomy to fulfill objectives

2.1. OCB adopts Subsidiarity Principle

2.1.1. Mentoring & Coaching Replaces directing and control

2.1.2. Decision-makers & implementers consult relevant stakeholders People are mature and have reflex to open up for input Stakeholders are easily accessible & supportive

2.1.3. OCB Values come to life: Respect, Transparency, Accountability, Integrity, Trust and Empowerment

2.2. There is a culture of "Failing Forward"/ "Test-try-learn"

2.2.1. Frame does not undermine Subsidiarity Principle Who decides this?

2.3. Frame is provided by OCB

2.4. Projects are Accountable

2.4.1. Finance systems are adapted where necessary Finance Department is open to change

2.4.2. PC/PMR is accountable for assessing & engaging appropriate level & nature of input

3. Get out of "one-size-fits all" mentality

3.1. Flexible HR, Fin etc systems & space to experiment

4. - Stimulated and empowered medical-humanitarian operations - Speed & Reactivity enabled

4.1. Operations that better respond to patients needs in increasing complexity

5. De-standardised models and systems

5.1. New adapted approaches are integrated

5.1.1. Motivation and interest in 'pockets' of OCB to change New approaches are tried, tested and evaluated Experiences are visible to all Mandate for change provided by OCB

6. Knowledge & Support is adapted to the project's needs

6.1. Knowledge & Support is Proximal

6.2. Peer-to-Peer Networks

6.3. OCB Medical Department Strategy supports Field Recentralisation

6.3.1. New Hospital Management Unit

6.3.2. Medical Dept "Circles" approach

6.4. Learn from OCB Log Department Approaches