The Case of Cory

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The Case of Cory by Mind Map: The Case of Cory

1. Teacher's Duties:

1.1. Identify cognitive skills

1.2. Scaffolding instruction: Using Scaffolding Instruction to help Cory learn

1.2.1. Show and tell

1.2.2. Tap into prior knowledge

1.2.3. Give time to talk

1.2.4. Pre-teach vocabulary

1.2.5. Using visual aids

1.2.6. Try something new

1.3. Zone of Proximal development: Finding out what Cory Knows and what he need help with are very important.

1.4. Knowing the learner: Gathering as much information about Cory will help me form lessons tailored to him.

1.4.1. Readiness

1.4.2. Interest

1.4.3. Preferences Style Intelligence Other

1.5. Inspire students to be creative: Inspire Cory to be great and to help him understand what he needs to do together there.

1.6. Differentiated Classroom: Allow Cory to opportunity in the class room to seek help from others and give him choices. This seems to be something he hasn't had much of in his life.

1.6.1. Flexible learning groups

1.6.2. Choice

1.6.3. Respectful tasks

1.6.4. Shared responsibility for learning

1.7. Responding by differentiating:

1.7.1. learning Material

1.7.2. Ways of learning

1.7.3. Ways of demonstrating

1.7.4. Learning Environment

1.7.5. Instructional strategies

2. Student: Mobaswar Hossain

2.1. According to the case of Cory, he has difficult parents relationship, family disharmony, no parents love, growing in foster home, tuberculosis, hearing problem, speech difficulties and cognitive problem all factors might cause his learning disability

2.2. As a learning disable child although it is not my fault I was born as a normal child; however, because of environmental factor I am a learning disable child now. I feel my birth is my lifelong sin.

2.3. I did not have beautiful childhood. My school work suffered, my relationship with my parents, teachers and friends suffered and my mental and emotional state more than suffered- they are devastated. I had accepted the label of 'stupid', and wore it around my neck like a two ton weight, dragging it with me every where I went.

2.4. When a child working through these struggles, it is important as a parent to reassess my priorities and school authority provide me strategic plan to overcome this problem.

2.5. It is hard to stop a mental pattern that has been playing unchecked for months or even years. That is where teacher come in interrupt children thought pattern, when teacher sense they are growing down that rabbit hole of frustration or hopelessness. Snap them out of it by reinforcing their story of areas of excellence. Break the pattern and replace it with one that uplifts and drives.

3. It is important to understand that children with LD may be highly intelligent and have considerable strengths upon which to build if you you provide me proper class environment, language and speech therapist, resource teacher, strategic learning plan and stable happy home environment.

4. Teacher's Duty(Chris Woods): Observational Learning - Cory will need to learn by observing his classmates both academically and socially. May require having a student mentor assigned to Cory that can aid him in his learning.

5. Case Summary: Cory comes from separated parents. His mother obstructed his fathers visiting rights during the 4 years of their separation. In grade 1 Cory was taken away by his father for 18 months. His maternal grandmother brought him back to Toronto. CAS then got involved. Cory was moved from home to home, parent to grandparent, to foster parents for the better part of 6years. His father was denied custody, but was granted visitation rights. His maternal grandmother applied for custody but CAS has applied to make Cory a permanent ward. As a result Corey has learning disabilities and has missed a total of a full year of school. Cory will need to be identified with an IEP to begin designing a learning framework for him. With gov't funding, Cory may require extra tutoring to get him caught up to his grade level.

6. All Parties Duty: Will be important to understand all the characteristics of his learning disabilities, such as; his metacognitive domain, his information-processing domain, his communication domain, and his academic domain, and his social/adaptive domain

7. Principal: Frank Zochil

8. Principal's Duty (Frank Zochil): A plan for his learning with a support system will need to be designed for him.

9. Principal's Duty (Frank Zochil): Adequate Supports for Cory and an Inclusive Education is necessary, such as: 1. Language & Speech Specialist - Cory will need help with his language skills as he seems to struggle with his articulation of growing up speaking both English and Spanish 2. Well-designed individualized education program 3. Professional development for all teachers involved 4. Time for teachers to plan, meet, create and evaluate Cory together 5. Professional skill development in the areas of cooperative learning, peer tutoring, adaptive curriculum 6. Collaboration between parents or foster parents, teachers, specialists, administration and outside agencies. 8. Sufficient funding so that school will be able to develop a special program for him based on his needs

10. Parents: Andrea Zanelli

10.1. Parent/Guardian Duty (Andrea Zanelli)

10.2. A parent/guardian play a crucial role in the special education of their child. They provide (in most cases), information on the child's strengths and weaknesses at home, background information on the child's history and development, and information on any family situation that may affect the child's learning.

10.2.1. In the case of Cory, these responsibilities have not been met. The problem in this child’s life began at an early age and I believe every problem Cory has, is a result of irresponsible parenting. As I try to gain perspective in the role of these parents, I find myself feeling upset and angry. Cory never had a chance for success. To report on this case from Cory’s parent’s perspective is unimaginable to me. I would like to report on this case from the perspective of a competent parent.

10.3. Strategies to deal with Cory’s Learning Disability:

10.4. 1. Keep things in perspective - teach Cory how to deal with obstacles without being discouraged or overwhelmed.

10.5. 2. Become an expert – research, stay on top of new developments in learning disability programs, educational techniques, etc.

10.6. 3. Use positive influence- Cory will follow my lead.

10.7. 4. Focus on strengths- Cory is not defined by his disabilities. Pinpoint where he struggles and find a program to suit his needs.

10.8. Communication with Cory’s School

10.9. Be an advocate for Cory. This will be a challenge. Articulate well and be confident in defending Cory’s rights to proper education.

10.10. 1. Clarify goals- make a list of what is important and what can be negotiated.

10.11. 2. Be a good listener- hear the school officials’ opinions, ask for clarification for what you don’t understand.

10.12. 3. Offer ideas- research other schools to see what strategies they may use or have used.

10.13. 4. Be calm, cool and collected- you get more bees with honey.

10.14. 5. Don’t give up- if you are not satisfied, keep trying.

10.15. 6. Be reasonable- recognize the limitations of the school system (regulations, funding), it will never be perfect unfortunately.

10.16. 7. Think life success, not just school success.

10.17. For children with learning disabilities self-awareness and self-confidence are very important. Classroom struggles can cause children to doubt their abilities and question their strengths. As Cory grows and begins to mature he will play a bigger role in his education. For him, being proactive in his learning will involve self-advocacy, and willingness to take responsibilities for his actions and choices.

10.17.1. As a parent of a disabled child (or otherwise), you are only able to do your best when you feel your best, we must always remember to take care of ourselves. Things that may help with that are as follows:

10.17.2. Keeping the lines of communication open

10.17.3. Look into a support group and attend

10.17.4. Connect with teachers, therapists, tutors. Share responsibility for day to day academic responsibilities.

10.17.5. Learn to manage your stress.

10.17.6. Communicate with family and friends. Having support for you and your child wherever and whenever possible is important.