The Great Crash Causes and Results

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The Great Crash Causes and Results by Mind Map: The Great Crash Causes and Results

1. The Great Depression

1.1. as a result of the crash of the stock market, the entire country underwent the depression

1.2. this was the worst economic point in the history of the United States

1.3. 1 out of every 4 Americans lost their jobs, resulting in increased homelessness

1.4. Prices of good such as groceries lowered immensely because of the lack of money

1.5. lasted 10 years from 1929-1939

2. New Deal

2.1. Franklin Roosevelt was elected president during the Great Depression, and successfully got America out of it

2.2. 15 bills were passed by Roosevelt in favor of the US economy, and to prevent anything similar happening to the country in the future

3. Affects of Women

3.1. 19th Amendment

3.1.1. this amendment enacted voting equality, regardless of sex Because of the passing of this amendment , the first women governor was elected

3.2. rebellion

3.2.1. Women began going against their normal clothing styles and labor, and began wearing flashy outfits and short skirts rather than long, respectable skirts

3.3. these rebellious women were known as flappers

4. Unemployment during the Great Depression

4.1. 1 out of every 4 Americans lost their jobs

4.2. 13 million people were now without jobs

4.3. Unemployment reached 25% nationwide during the Depression

4.4. Because many people lost their jobs, they became depressed and violence and suicide rates rose

5. Prohibition

5.1. a threat to families as well as another factor the US couldn’t afford during the Great Depression

5.2. Repealed by the 21st amendment in late 1933

6. The Economy

6.1. Shares were sold as a way of a company making fast money, and in return, the buyer owned a part of said company

6.2. Margins were similar to loans given out by the bank to potential shareholders in order for them to purchase the shares, however, the bank wouldn't require immediate payment and too many people took advantage of this, resulting in the bank running out of money because now the shareholders owned a part of a company, but did not pay the bank back, therefore there was no money accounted for

6.3. Shares holding became popular and at its highest peak in 1929, when the market crashed

7. Migration

7.1. The US went through a sever drought from 1930-1936, known as the Dust Bowl

7.1.1. Because of the Dust Bowl, many farmers were struggling to sustain business, and a flood of people moved to the inner cities

8. Crime Rates

8.1. Crime became common

8.1.1. robbery

8.1.2. Bootlegging

8.1.3. Murder

8.1.4. Gangs In the 1920s, there were over 1,300 gangs nationwide