Butterfly, Larvae and Pupae Defects Detection

Pupae defects detection

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Butterfly, Larvae and Pupae Defects Detection by Mind Map: Butterfly, Larvae and Pupae Defects Detection

1. Retail

2. Association Mining

2.1. Butterflies Dataset

2.2. Gathering of eggs

2.3. Gathering of pupae

2.4. Season

2.4.1. Seasonal

2.4.2. Consistent

3. AutoML Vision

3.1. Labeling and Organizing Data

3.2. Training

3.3. Evaluating

3.4. Predicting

3.5. Testing the model

4. Image Recognition

4.1. Pupae/Cocoon

4.1.1. Pupae Defects Detection

4.2. Butterfly

4.3. Moth

4.4. Image Fruit

5. Agriculture

5.1. Farming

5.1.1. Host Plants

5.1.2. Flowers

6. Breeder

6.1. Breed butterflies

7. Market

7.1. Online

8. Convolutional Neural Network

8.1. Convolution

8.1.1. Assembled had three convolution layers

8.2. Pooling

8.2.1. Nonlinear capacities to actualize pooling

8.3. Dropout

8.3.1. Approaching and active edges to a dropped-out

8.4. Dense

8.4.1. Numerical task on two capacities

9. Color Matching

9.1. Blob Filtering / Mass Sifting

9.2. Thresholding

9.3. Shape Detection

9.3.1. Pupa Defects Detection

10. Azure ML

10.1. Prepare

10.1.1. Butterfly Data set

10.2. Experiment

10.3. Deploy

11. Google Cloud Vision API in R

11.1. RoogleVision