Demo equipment conferences

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Demo equipment conferences by Mind Map: Demo equipment conferences

1. Opportunity

1.1. Online subscription to newsletter via website

1.2. Online sales package available via website to email to customer instead of a print brochure

1.2.1. Costs effective + immediate service towards customer

1.3. Idea: create an automatic to tool for stock inventory, provide each product with a bar code

1.4. Idea: create an (online) checklist for sales to ‘order’/ book the material needed. Wich immediately shows actual stock availability

2. Current workflow

2.1. request participation to conference/tradeshow

2.2. identifies makerfing and demo material needed

2.3. Despina checks availability for the date

2.4. Despina creates an ID in eemagine OpenERP + outgoing shipment note

2.5. Delivery note + TRK# is send to sales/prod man once material is dispatched

2.6. Return: logistics contacts event organization and will inform sales/prod. man

2.7. Once back: logistics at Wolfener Strasse will create manufacturing repair order

2.8. Material will be send to production at Gubener Str. for check up and repair

2.8.1. Cleaning, removing data, testing hardware takes approx. 2 wks

2.9. Material will be send back to Wolfener Strasse from Gubener Strasse for storage

3. Risk

3.1. Lack of stock

3.2. Material not up to date; no match with sales

3.3. Location marketing material directly available on work floor (expediting) Wolfener? Or in basement only?

3.4. In worst case scenario material is blocked for 6-8 wks due to missing parts or complicated repair