Four potential roles of human resources representatives within an organization

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Four potential roles of human resources representatives within an organization by Mind Map: Four potential roles of human resources representatives within an organization

1. 1. Training and Development Manager

1.1. 1. Alignment of learning and development activities with organisational strategic direction

1.2. 2. Controlling all learning and development activity

1.3. 3. Developing the learning and development team (ex. qualified professionals)

1.4. 4. Quantifying the L & D function’s activities and return

1.5. 5. External accreditation and recognition

1.6. 6. Involving the senior leadership team

1.7. 7. Integrating technology in learning

2. 3. HR IT Recruiting Specialist

2.1. 1. Familiarity with technical roles and terms

2.2. 2. Negotiation savvy

2.3. 3. Excellent communicator

2.4. 4. IT and Social Media Skills

2.5. 5. Time Management Skills

2.6. 6. Relationship building skills

2.7. 7. Marketing Skills

3. 2. Nonprofit HR Professional

3.1. 1. Passion for the Cause

3.2. 2. Excellent Communication Skills

3.3. 3. Humility

3.4. 4. Self-Motivation and Resourcefulness

3.5. 5. Flexibility

3.6. 6. Project Management

3.7. 7. Resourcefulness

4. 4. Global HR Specialist

4.1. 1. Cross cultural fluency

4.2. 2. Linguistic skills

4.3. 3. Business savvy

4.4. 4. Tax and legal skills

4.5. 5. Over seas people person skills

4.6. 6. Internationally approachable

4.7. 7. Knowledge of employment legislation