The New War Collection: Resistance/Permanence (2007-2009)

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The New War Collection: Resistance/Permanence (2007-2009) создатель Mind Map: The New War Collection: Resistance/Permanence (2007-2009)

1. Phase I

1.1. research

1.1.1. Anna Deavere Smith

1.1.2. Representing the Real

1.1.3. Manifesto

1.1.4. Targeting the Iraq War

1.1.5. Everything I learned before I logged In

1.1.6. Annotated Bibliography

1.2. production schedule

1.3. production budget

1.4. proposal

1.4.1. Coming Out Again

1.4.2. The New Narrative Collections

1.5. re-evalute

1.5.1. proposal

2. Phase IV

3. Phase V

4. Phase II

4.1. AFA proposal

4.1.1. create proposal

4.1.2. create time/action

4.1.3. create budget

4.1.4. create portfolio

4.2. ethics board

4.2.1. contact

4.2.2. fill out paper work

4.2.3. evaluate

4.3. website live

4.3.1. name and design

4.3.2. find web 2.0 app

4.3.3. create interactive flow

4.3.4. create written content

4.3.5. create visuals

4.3.6. set up paypal

4.3.7. present

4.3.8. evaluate formal presentation field questions soft launch to collegues field questions respond make changes formal presentation

4.3.9. make needed changes

4.4. participant contact

4.5. collection of narratives

4.6. draft working model

4.7. physical flow charts and diagrams

4.7.1. New node

4.7.2. New node

4.7.3. New node

4.7.4. New node

4.7.5. New node

4.7.6. New node

4.7.7. New node

4.8. model chair design

4.9. media and data processing

4.10. build chairs

4.10.1. research

4.10.2. material price

4.11. re-evaluate

5. Phase III