4 grade math

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4 grade math by Mind Map: 4 grade math

1. place value

1.1. standard from

1.2. expanded form

1.3. expanded notation

1.4. digit

1.5. compare

1.6. decimal

1.7. fraction

1.8. tenth

1.9. hundreth

1.10. number line

2. area models

2.1. particle

2.2. products

2.3. big 7

2.4. standard algorithm

2.5. strip diagram

2.6. equation

2.7. multistep

3. money

3.1. equivalent

3.2. mixed number

3.3. improper fration

3.4. common denominator

3.5. unit fraction

3.6. estimate

4. area

4.1. perimeter

4.2. length

4.3. width

5. data

5.1. frequency table

5.2. dot plot

5.3. stem and leaf plot

5.4. outlier

5.5. key

5.6. banchmark

5.7. length

5.8. metric

5.9. costamary

5.10. mass

5.11. volume

5.12. elapsed time

6. compar

6.1. greater than

6.2. less than

6.3. deposit

6.4. withdraw

7. four oprerations

7.1. add subtract multiply divide

8. personal financial

8.1. literacy

8.2. fixed expense

8.3. variable expense

8.4. revenue expense

8.5. profit

8.6. saving

8.7. spending

8.8. banking

8.9. interests

9. geometry

9.1. point

9.2. line segment

9.3. ray

9.4. perpendicular line

9.5. parallel lines

9.6. intersecting lines

9.7. vertex

9.8. acute angle

9.9. right angle

9.10. obtuse angle

9.11. straight angle

9.12. polygon

9.13. regular

9.14. irregular

9.15. triangle

9.16. right triangle

9.17. acute triangle

9.18. obtuse triangle

9.19. equilateral triangle

9.20. isosceles triangle

9.21. scalene

9.22. quadrilateral

9.23. parallelogram

9.24. trapezoid

9.25. kite

9.26. rhombus

9.27. rectangle

9.28. square symmetry

9.29. degrees

9.30. circle

9.31. circle protract

9.32. protract

9.33. angle