
Health Sync Project

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HealthSync🚑🏥👩‍⚕️ by Mind Map: HealthSync🚑🏥👩‍⚕️

1. Registration via 'Register' link

1.1. Start a brief tour

1.1.1. Welcome screen: "Get started"

1.1.2. 'Remind me to create a dataset later' Skeleton mode. "Create a dataset to use the App" button Start or Skip a Questionnaire

2. Registration via "I have an invite" (invite is present)

3. Registration via "I have an invite" (dataset is created for the user).

3.1. Srart a brief tour

3.1.1. Welcome screen: "Get started" (dataset is already created). Start or Skip a Questionnaire

4. Password Reset option

4.1. Login with a new password

5. Create 'My own' dataset

5.1. Start or Skip a Questionnaire

5.1.1. Add: symptoms View/Edit Symptom Remove Symptom

5.1.2. Add: medications View/Edit Medication

5.1.3. Add: Appointments View/Edit Appointment Remove an Appointment

5.1.4. Add Diagnosed Conditions View/Edit Diagnosed Condition Remove Diagnosed Condition

5.1.5. Add Insurance details View/Edit Insurance details Delete Insurance details

5.2. Edit Profile

5.2.1. Add/Update: First Name,Last Name, Birth Date, Street address, City, State, choose sex (male/female), photo (Take a photo/Choose from Library/Upload another photo/Delete photo

5.3. Invite registered user into your dataset

5.4. Invite non registered user into your dataset

5.5. Add a new dataset

5.6. Delete a dataset

5.6.1. Pop-up appears

5.7. Change permission for dataset member's

5.8. Cancel invitation to dataset

5.9. Contacts (related to the dataset)

5.9.1. View/Edit Medical Contact Add Medical Contact Delete Medical Contacts

5.9.2. View/Edit Family Contact Add Family Contacts Delete Family Contact

5.10. Edit dataset's profile (via "Contacts")

5.10.1. First Name,Last Name, Birth Date, Street address, City, State, choose sex (male/female), photo (Take a photo/Choose from Library/Upload another photo/Delete photo

6. Create a dataset for other person

6.1. Invite is sent for that person

6.1.1. As 'data maintainer'

6.1.2. As 'data reader'

6.2. Warning message is shown if users are already connected. Permission is sent to 'data owner'

6.2.1. Request 'data reader' permissions

6.2.2. Request 'data maintainer' permissions

7. Accept/Decline an invite

8. Accept/Decline Permission Request

8.1. Request the permission again into the same dataset

9. Generate a Report

9.1. Send the Report via Email

9.1.1. With all filters selected

9.1.2. With some filters selected

9.1.3. Without filters

9.2. Ability to choose date range for report

9.3. Send attachments (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)

10. Dataset Permissions

10.1. Dataset owner

10.1.1. Create a dataset

10.1.2. Invite people into dataset

10.1.3. Change permissions

10.1.4. Delete a dataset

10.1.5. Maintain Health data

10.1.6. Remove any member from dataset

10.1.7. Transfer own permissions to another user

10.1.8. Edit dataset profile ("Profile" tab/"Contacts" tab)

10.2. Data Maintainer

10.2.1. Maintain Health data

10.2.2. Leave dataset

10.2.3. Edit dataset profile ("Contacts" tab)

10.3. Data Reader

10.3.1. Read Health Data

10.3.2. Request Maintainer's permisson

10.3.3. Leave dataset

11. Push Notifications

11.1. Opened application (locked/unlocked screen)

11.2. Application is not launched (locked/unlocked screen)

11.2.1. Add symptom/medicine/appointment/diagnosed condition

11.2.2. Edit symptom/medicine/appointment/diagnosed condition

11.2.3. Remove symptom/medicine/appointment/diagnosed condition

11.2.4. Invitation to the dataset

11.2.5. Cancel invite (by owner)

11.2.6. Decline invitation to the dataset

11.2.7. Accept invitation to the dataset

11.2.8. Accept request to the dataset

11.2.9. Decline request to the dataset

11.2.10. Request permissions

11.2.11. Change permissions by owner (from 'data maintainer' to 'data reader')

11.2.12. Change permissions by owner (from 'data reader' to 'data maintainer')

11.2.13. Transfer ownership (not implemented)

11.2.14. Delete dataset

11.2.15. Leave dataset

11.2.16. Request to the dataset

11.2.17. Decline request permissions

11.2.18. Accept request permissions

11.2.19. Create dataset for user (not implemented)

11.3. Application is minimized (locked/unlocked screen)

12. Email Templates

12.1. All emails sends from [email protected]

13. Login

13.1. User logged in. Splash screen is displayed

14. Instabug

14.1. Appears after:

14.1.1. Registration (general flow)

14.1.2. Registration (I have an invite)

14.1.3. Login

15. Splash screen

15.1. Turn on by default (can't be turned off) (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)

15.2. Appears after:

15.2.1. Launch the app

15.2.2. 10< minutes (user doesn't use the app) (NOT IMPLEMENTED)

15.2.3. Login

15.3. 4 tabs is displayed, after push - user leads to selected tab

16. Contacts

16.1. Family contacts

16.1.1. Add, Edit, Delete

16.1.2. Add from phone contacts

16.2. Medical contacts

16.2.1. Add, Edit, Delete

16.2.2. Add from phone contacts

16.3. Insurance

16.3.1. Add, Edit, Delete

16.3.2. Add from phone contacts

16.4. Preferred phrmacy

16.4.1. Add, Edit, Delete

16.4.2. Add from phone contacts

16.4.3. Add address - drop-down list (Google API)

17. Profile

18. Current Data

18.1. Symptoms

18.1.1. Start a brief tour "Accept" invitation The dataset is displayed 'Remind me to create a dataset later' Skeleton mode. "Create a dataset to use the App" button Welcome screen: "Create a new Dataset" Create "My own data" Create "Other persons's data"

18.1.2. Add. Edit, Delete

18.2. Medications

18.2.1. Add. Edit, Delete

18.2.2. Displayes records that relevant for today

18.2.3. With/without end date

18.3. Appointments

18.3.1. Add. Edit, Delete

18.3.2. Ability to add doctor and he is saving in "Medical contacts"

18.3.3. Ability to choose doctor (drop-down list) from "Medical contacts"

18.3.4. Skip adding doctor to "Medical contacts"

18.4. Diagnosed Conditions

18.4.1. Add. Edit, Delete

18.4.2. Ability to add doctor and he is saving in "Medical contacts"

18.4.3. Ability to choose doctor (drop-down list) from "Medical contacts"

18.4.4. Skip adding doctor to "Medical contacts"

19. Log Out

19.1. Confirmation pop-up appears

19.1.1. Lead to Login screen

20. File Cabinet (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)