International Airports

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International Airports by Mind Map: International Airports

1. Observations of Public Spaces

1.1. How design of spaces encourage the flow of people

1.1.1. Image 1- Central Station Tunnel Image 2 Red Pillars Image 3 Outside Central station tunnel with the roof and design leading people towards and along the tunnel

2. Interviews with people on the street

2.1. 1. People interviewed don't mind waiting times,

2.1.1. 2. Airports are either good across the board or bad across the board 3. Inconsistent Experience with security globally with international airports 4. Issues with bottlenecks regarding taxing time and links to the city from the airport

2.2. Summary - Image depicts the collated insights from our interviews

3. Primary Sources

4. Videos

4.1. Airport Design Secrets You Don't Know The Purpose Of

4.1.1. MegaStructures - Kansai International Airport (National Geographic Documentary) London's Heathrow International Airport - LHR Top 10 Best Airports in The World

5. Secondary Sources

6. Academic Sources

6.1. Larauge, P. B., & Castille, M. E. (2009). Airports : Performance, risks, and problems. Retrieved from

6.1.1. This book about airport, performance risks and problems discusses all the issues related to how the airport operates efficiency and effectively. Including Topics such as strategic planning for both social and economic performance to reducing delays by optimising runways

6.2. McCuen Tamera L, & Pittenger Dominique M. (2016). Building Information Modeling for Airports-A Synthesis of Airport Practice (ACRP Synthesis 70). Transportation Research Board.

6.2.1. This article summarises Building Information Modelling of Airports. It is a centralised platform that allows airport decision makers to understand all aspects of the facility and aims to reduce cost of owning and operating an airport facility

6.3. Boiral, O., Ebrahimi, M., Kuyken, K., & Talbot, D. (2019). Greening Remote SMEs: The Case of Small Regional Airports. Journal of Business Ethics, 154(3), 813–827.

6.3.1. This study explores small regional airports and their issues of environmental sustainability. The findings include the "quasi-absence of specific measures for sustainability, despite the seriousness of environmental issues". Regional airports prioritise economic and operational activities before environmental considerations.

7. Images

7.1. Sydney

7.1.1. Changi Tokyo Haneda Seoul Incheon