Mastering Life - For true mastery you need to focus more on the OUTPUT, rather than the INPUT - N...

Why I can't remember the book I read?

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Mastering Life - For true mastery you need to focus more on the OUTPUT, rather than the INPUT - Nishant Kasibhatla by Mind Map: Mastering Life - For true mastery you need to focus more on the OUTPUT, rather than the INPUT - Nishant Kasibhatla

1. Memorizing

1.1. Master of Words

1.1.1. Page 34

1.2. Why We Forget Most of the Books We Read?

1.2.1. Not Retrieving the information effectively

1.2.2. Not Encoding the information effectively Highlighting is mostly useless Mind Mapping the Book Book is set of Author's argument

1.3. Why you want to memorize?

1.4. Basic of Memory

1.4.1. 50% Ecoding - Process to create new Dual coding proccess Visual Memory - Create a visual memory for the same information. Verbal Memory - Create a verbal memory for the same information

1.4.2. 50% Retrieval - Process to accessing Subsequent Retrievel Study Session

1.5. Definition

1.5.1. Memorization is the process of committing something to memory.

2. Input

2.1. Learn

3. Output

3.1. Reflect

3.2. Implement

3.3. Share