Mindmap of "Begining to think with Microservices" workshops

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1. Points to ponder upon

1.1. Identifying components/micro-services

1.1.1. What is bounded context

1.1.2. Anti-Corruption Layer

1.1.3. SOA vs MicroServices

1.2. REST modeling

1.3. Inter service communication

1.3.1. Communication Types Sync Async RPC Messaging

1.3.2. Choreography vs Orchestration

1.4. Frontend components

1.4.1. Micro Frontends

1.4.2. Redux

1.4.3. Observables

1.5. Release cadence

1.5.1. CI/CD

1.5.2. Incremental changes / releases

1.5.3. Data migration ? Migration Scripts

1.5.4. Environmental Configurations (version controlled)

1.6. Data Management

1.6.1. Shared Database

1.6.2. Database per Service

1.6.3. Sagas

1.6.4. API composition

1.6.5. CQRS

1.6.6. Event Sourcing

1.7. Observability

1.7.1. Logs

1.7.2. Trace

1.7.3. Metrics

1.8. Testing Stragegy

1.8.1. Unit Tests

1.8.2. Acceptance Tests

1.8.3. Component Tests

1.8.4. Integration Tests

1.8.5. End to End Tests

1.8.6. CDC Tests

1.8.7. Mocks vs Stubs

2. NotAgile Practices

2.1. Team charters

2.2. User Stories

2.3. Estimations

2.4. Prioritisation

3. Domain/Object Modeling

3.1. Onion Architecture

3.2. Pair Programming

3.3. TDD / BDD

3.4. Component Tests