How to plan an IDU

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How to plan an IDU by Mind Map: How to plan an IDU

1. 4. Now write the Statement of Inquiry

1.1. Keep in conceptual, rather than topical

1.2. Include the KC, RC and Global Context

1.3. SoI's are hard to write and most likely will go through multiple iterations. Whilst being conceptual and broad, they also need to be accessible to students.

1.3.1. SoIs are often so clunky! Often end out being so conceptual that students can't possibly understand them.

2. 6. From here, start mapping out the disciplinary understandings

2.1. Challenge is to match these to the curriculum for each discipline

2.1.1. It can be tough to balance the disciplinary and interdisciplinary "content" - not enough disciplinary means a lack of basic skills and knowledge; but then time must be spent on the more challenging (for students and teachers) interdisciplinary understandings

3. 5. Write the factual, conceptual and debatable inquiry questions

3.1. There should be factual questions from each discipline

3.2. conceptual questions should engage back to the SoI

3.3. debatable questions should not have a right or wrong answer

3.4. Not too many! 2-3 factual per discipline, plus then perhaps 2 conceptual and 2 debatable which are interdisciplinary

4. 1. Come up with a real-world problem

4.1. starting with a problem ensures the unit is focused and authentic

4.2. The problem should be: meaningful and authentic to the students (avoid a "role-play"); feasible for students to address in the time (e.g. not "solve world hunger" !!); something that can only be addressed through interdisciplinary learning

4.2.1. Can a problem be academic? e.g. "what are the links between Maths and Art?" - I think this is an important conceptual problem, but it's not "practical" as such...

5. 2. Which disciplines could help solve that problem?

5.1. Stick to 2 disciplines for a focused IDU

5.2. Don't try to cram disciplines together - it should be a "natural fit"

5.2.1. Often we are limited by structural issues in a school, e.g. ensuring all departments are involved in an IDU whilst making sure those IDUs are authentic

5.2.2. Some departments (hello The Arts!) find it easier to create IDUs than others due to the flexibility of content within the curriculum

6. 3. What are the relevant Key Concepts and Related Concepts? What is the Global Context?

6.1. These will help anchor the unit

6.2. These need to be meaningful!

6.2.1. Sometimes feels like we are Cinderella's ugly sisters cutting off our toes to fit into the glass slipper!