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AI by Mind Map: AI

1. Game Theory

1.1. Nash Equilibrium

1.2. Competitive Ratio

1.3. Markov Decision Process

1.4. Stochastic Game

1.5. Repeated Game

2. Philosophy

2.1. Ethics

2.2. Turing Test

2.3. Existential Risk

2.4. Chinese room

2.5. Friendly AI

3. Elements of AI

3.1. Expert System

3.2. Machine Learning

3.2.1. Deep Learning

3.2.2. Unsupervised Learning

3.2.3. Supervised Learning

3.3. Motion Planning

3.4. Vision

3.4.1. Image Recognition

3.4.2. Image Restoration

3.5. Natural Learning Processing

3.5.1. Text Generation

3.5.2. Question Extraction

3.5.3. Context Extraction

3.5.4. Machine Translation

4. Human Augmentation

4.1. Prosthetics

4.2. Implants

4.3. Transhumanism

4.4. Computer Generating

5. Fuzzy Logic

5.1. Neuroscience

5.2. Methods

5.2.1. syntax

5.2.2. semantics

5.2.3. axiomatization

5.2.4. truth-preserving deduction

5.2.5. completeness

5.2.6. complexity and comparative complexity

5.3. Degrees of truth

5.4. Boolean Logic

6. Probability

6.1. Origins

6.2. Theoretical development

6.3. Random walk

6.4. Semi-Markov processes

6.5. Event trees

6.6. Dependency Matrix

6.7. Stock market