Kinetics of Instinct Part II

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Kinetics of Instinct Part II создатель Mind Map: Kinetics of Instinct Part II

1. platforms

1.1. Primarily for fulldome

1.2. multistream DVD, flash web interface

1.3. Hello Digital Festival 2009

2. audience story

2.1. Brand new platform for screen dance

2.2. fully immersive capture

2.3. choreographic format

2.4. Sciart link - potential new audience.

2.5. Hello Digital Festival

2.6. other fulldome theatres.

2.7. portable 360' projection systems. e.g. discovery domes europe

2.8. flash, DVD, CD-rom

3. dance/camera

3.1. aerial dance

3.2. projection mapping

4. what is it?

4.1. exploring the relationship between energy systems and physical movement

4.2. developed for the Thinktank Planetarium in Birmingham and displayed in 360'.

4.3. Refining methods of fulldome capture

4.4. sensorial experience challenging human capacity for receiving information

4.5. integrating existing methods of interesting camera/dancer interplay

5. money

5.1. Fracture

5.2. Product Sponsorship

5.3. Research

5.3.1. ACE

5.3.2. BCU

5.4. Future Dev

5.4.1. 4iP

6. Science

6.1. Physics

6.1.1. changing of energy=thought?

6.1.2. micro-macro

6.1.3. where does thought come from

6.1.4. is man a filler?

6.2. Biology

6.2.1. i ching=dna?

7. camera

7.1. 5d mkii

7.2. camera array mkii