Environmental pollution

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Environmental pollution by Mind Map: Environmental pollution

1. Soil

1.1. Caused by mining, farming activities

1.2. Acid rains

2. Noise

2.1. Activities such as transportation, industrial manufacturing

2.2. Transport terminal

3. Thermal

3.1. decrease or increase the temperature of a natural water body which may include lakes, rivers, oceans or ponds.

3.2. Consequences on aquatic life and the local ecosystems.

3.3. decrease or increase the temperature of a natural water body which may include lakes, rivers, oceans or ponds.

4. Light

4.1. Lengthened use of artificial lights

4.2. Light pollution includes glare, light trespass, and sky glow.

5. 7

6. Air

6.1. Making the air unclear

6.2. Caused by dust particles

6.3. Humans and Natural activities cause this

7. Water

7.1. Fracking,

7.2. Chemicals, waste matter contaminated substances.

8. Land

8.1. Put the garbage in incorrect places

8.2. Introducing chemicals and toxins on land

8.3. Applying herbicides, fertilizers or pesticides

9. Industrial

9.1. air emissions,

9.2. Depositing dirty water into the clean water