Group Inbox

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Group Inbox by Mind Map: Group Inbox

1. Establishing Ownership

1.1. Who Contributes to Inbox?

1.1.1. Identify All Employees Participating

1.2. How Long Does Each Employee Own Inbox?

1.2.1. Set Standard Time Period

1.3. Identifying Which Employee is Responsible for Which Email

1.3.1. Color Coding?

1.3.2. Moving to Personal Email?

1.4. What Happens if Email is Missed?

1.4.1. Strikes

1.4.2. Input from Senior Leadership

2. Establishing Rules

2.1. Set by Management

2.2. Approved by Entire Team

2.3. How Often Should Rules be Reviewed

2.3.1. By Manager

2.3.2. By Team Members

2.3.3. Rule Change Process

2.4. Research How Other Groups Are Using Shared Inboxes

3. Risks

3.1. Security

3.2. Email Retention

4. Advantages

4.1. Training

4.2. Database

4.3. Archives

4.4. Accessed Off Textron Network

5. Frustrations

5.1. Slow

5.2. Cluttered

5.3. Difficult to Search

5.4. Duplicates