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1. Research

1.1. Complimentary Businesses

1.1.1. Coffee Shop

1.1.2. Desserts Manufacturers

1.1.3. Local Dessert/Ice Cream Retail

1.2. Reverse Hacking

1.3. Products that Sells

1.3.1. Ebay

1.3.2. Amazon

1.3.3. Shopify/Etsy

1.4. Current Status with Sales and Past Customers

1.4.1. List

2. Social Proof

2.1. Product Reviews

2.2. Written Testimonials

2.3. Video Testimonials

2.4. Rankings?

3. Sales Outlet

3.1. Ebay/Etsy/Shopify

3.2. Amazon

3.3. New Product Line

4. Goals

4.1. Month 1

4.1.1. Research & Reverse Engineering Websites Research

4.1.2. Ted's Personal Brand 3-5 Videos

4.1.3. Partnerships & Alliances Additional Product and Ecommerce

4.2. Month 2

4.2.1. Social Site and Sales Funnel Social Rebranding

4.2.2. Testimonials & Interviews

4.2.3. Rebranding

4.3. Month 3

4.3.1. Launch of New Products & Services

4.3.2. Establish Monthly Sales Goals

4.3.3. Host Launch Party for a charity cause

4.3.4. Sales Affiliates Program

5. Social Platform

5.1. Facebook

5.2. Youtube

5.3. Pinterest

6. Sales Funnel

6.1. Video

6.2. Email Scripts for 3 months

6.3. Blogs/Info graphics

6.4. Hook/teaser free product

7. Ted's Personal Brand

7.1. Ebook

7.2. Blog/youtube interviews

7.3. Customes/Farmers Visits etc

7.3.1. Video & blog Story

7.4. Social Posts

7.4.1. Weekly