Recurrent Post-operative Infections in Orthopaedic Patients

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Recurrent Post-operative Infections in Orthopaedic Patients by Mind Map: Recurrent Post-operative Infections in Orthopaedic Patients

1. Interviewing patients

1.1. How recurrent infection affects Quality of Life

1.1.1. Quality of Life indicators

1.2. Subjective description of hospital re-admissions/treatments

1.2.1. Patient experience survey?

1.3. Risk Factors for recurrent infection (Are patients aware of these?)

1.3.1. Diabetes

1.3.2. Obesity

1.3.3. Age

1.3.4. Smoker

2. Analysis of Lived Experience

3. Prevention

3.1. Outcomes:

3.2. Reduction in Hospital Re-admissions?

3.3. Lower instances of recurring post-operative infections?

4. Identifying Nursing Interventions

4.1. Structure

4.1.1. Where,?

4.1.2. When?

4.2. Process

4.2.1. How?

4.2.2. What?