Essay Writing Checklist: creative title for essay

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Essay Writing Checklist: creative title for essay by Mind Map: Essay Writing Checklist: creative title for essay

1. 1. Introduction

1.1. Hook

1.2. Road map-background information

1.3. Claim-thesis statement-should summarize all topic sentences as topic sentences are “sub-theses.”

2. 2. First Paragraph

2.1. Argument-topic sentence

2.2. Example-textual support

2.3. Explain and analyze the example

3. 3. Second Paragraph

3.1. Argument-topic sentence

3.2. Example-textual support

3.3. Explain and analyze the example

4. 4. Third Paragraph

4.1. Argument-topic sentence

4.2. Example-textual support

4.3. Analysis and explanation of text support

5. 5. Conclusion

5.1. Restate thesis statement

5.2. Conclude-zoom the lens out-connect to something relevant in course material or personal observations not already mentioned

5.3. Clincher-mic drop!

6. Body paragraphs follow cookie paragraph structure