EDUC 261 - Educational Technology

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EDUC 261 - Educational Technology by Mind Map: EDUC 261 - Educational Technology

1. Learning Theory

1.1. Developmental

1.1.1. concrete to abstract

1.1.2. extended answer questioning

1.2. Constructivist

1.2.1. activate background knowledge

1.2.2. students build own knowledge

1.2.3. explicit questioning

2. Media Usage

2.1. Twitter

2.2. YouTube

2.3. Google Docs

2.4. WordPress Blog

2.5. Book (print media)

2.6. Digital Articles

2.7. Mindmeister

2.8. Websites

3. Tech Literacy

3.1. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

3.1.1. Pedagogy

3.1.2. Technology

3.1.3. Content

3.2. Implement, manage, & effectively use tech

3.3. Evaluate bias & limitations

3.4. Nature of Technology

3.4.1. Trade-offs

3.4.2. Affects society

3.4.3. Iterative testing

3.4.4. Intertwined with science

3.4.5. Protean - usable in many ways

3.4.6. Influenced by social & economic systems

3.4.7. Unstable - always evolving

3.4.8. Requires control

3.4.9. Constraints

3.4.10. Creative

4. Ethics

4.1. Privacy

4.2. Impacts of tech

4.3. Copyright/Intellectual property

4.4. Distractions of tech

4.5. Fair use