Technology Integration Workshop Levels

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Technology Integration Workshop Levels por Mind Map: Technology Integration Workshop Levels

1. Basic

1.1. Bookmarking

1.1.1. Organizing bookmarks

1.1.2. Online bookmarking Tagging TTR bookmarks

1.2. Browser

1.2.1. Add bookmarks to toolbar

1.2.2. Open New Window

1.2.3. Tile Windows

1.3. Google

1.3.1. Google Searches

1.3.2. Google Acct.

2. Intermediate

2.1. Web 2.0 tools

2.1.1. mindmeister

2.2. Collaboration

2.2.1. Wikis TTR wiki Create class wiki

2.2.2. Google Docs & Spreadsheets

2.3. Blogs

2.3.1. Finding good blogs

2.3.2. Reading

2.3.3. RSS

2.3.4. Aggregator

3. Advanced

3.1. Blogs

3.2. Podcasts

3.3. Add files to wiki

3.3.1. TeacherTube

3.3.2. PDFs

3.3.3. images

3.4. Web 2.0 tools

3.4.1. IM

3.4.2. Twitter

3.4.3. Jott