Defending North America

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Defending North America by Mind Map: Defending North America

1. The Scrapping of the Avro Arrow

2. Canada's Acceptance of Nuclear Weapons in 1963

3. For:

4. For:

5. Contained the world's first computerized flight control and weapons system.

6. Faster than any other jet in its class travelling at 2,104 km/h.

7. The Avro Arrow would provide protection to Canada and the United States (before the revelation of Sputnik).

8. Very technologically advanced during its time period, interested UK and US forces.

9. The United States pressured businessmen and influential newspapers to support this idea, as the bond between Canada and the United States would be at risk.

10. The Conservative Defense Minister inclined to support this idea due to threats of missiles from the Soviet Union, and its effects it may have on Canada.

11. Canada was obligated to house nuclear weapons due to NORAD agreement.

12. Missiles could be used to intercept missiles sent by the Soviet Union to the US travelling over Canada.

13. Missiles could act as a replacement for Avro Arrow project.

14. Canada's Role in the Cuban Missile Crisis

15. Against:

16. Against:

17. For:

18. Against:

19. Very costly to manufacture, costing around $1.1 billion.

20. Prime Minister John Diefenbaker did not approve of the initiation, due to his conservative views.

21. Soviet Union launched Sputnik in 1957, the first human satellite sent to space. The US thought they could be attacked from space; therefore disregarded the construction of Avro Arrow.

22. A lot of time and resources would be needed into housing nuclear weapons.

23. The nuclear weapon effects on Japan in WWII frightened Canadians and its territory.

24. Canada was not inclined to be apart of a nuclear war and the consequences.

25. Canada’s role for disarmament with the UN would contradict itself if it housed nuclear weapons.

26. Canadian allies had cheaper more effective and efficient planes being manufactured.

27. It would improve the relationship between Canada and the United States.

28. Canada could provide aid to a potential war, and reduce overall damage.

29. Canada sending troops to Cuba, would provide moral support for Allies.

30. Canada would be more prepared to help in the case of a nuclear war.

31. Prime Minister Diefenbaker did not want Canada involved in this major crisis, as it largely related to the interest of the United States.

32. Prime Minister Diefenbaker was more inclined to protect Canadian interest and thought of it as an issue for the United States.

33. Prime Minister Diefenbaker did not believe the United States photo evidence, and wanted UN personnel to investigate the issue further.

34. Canada would have to utilize multiple resources and combat forces in efforts of the crisis, which would be wasted if the problem did not extend further.