Demo/ UseCase Ideas

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Demo/ UseCase Ideas by Mind Map: Demo/ UseCase Ideas

1. Care

1.1. Stationary

1.1.1. Rehabilitation

1.1.2. Drinking

1.1.3. Turn blanket

1.1.4. Organizing pill schedule

1.2. Outpatient

1.2.1. Opening Door

1.2.2. Get up help

2. Independence

2.1. Chore Tasks

2.1.1. Smart wardrobe

2.1.2. Smart mirror

2.1.3. Wash clothes

2.1.4. Dishwasher

2.1.5. Cleaning floors

2.2. Personal Care

2.2.1. Tooth Brushing

2.2.2. Shaving

2.2.3. Combing hair

2.2.4. Hair trimming

2.3. Nutrition

2.3.1. Calendar Notifications / Reminders

2.3.2. Cooking with Thermomix

2.3.3. serving drinks

2.3.4. mixing cocktails

2.4. Mobility

2.4.1. Pick up object (supervised autonomy)

2.4.2. Put on shoes

2.5. Cognition & Communication

2.5.1. Social Contact / Communication

3. Health

3.1. Emergency

3.1.1. Emergency Help

3.1.2. Monitoring / Observation

3.1.3. Fall Detection

3.2. Prevention

3.2.1. EKG

3.2.2. Vital Signs

4. Entertainment

4.1. Play Games (Chess, Cards, Kniffel)

4.2. Rehab Gamification