GI and Liver

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GI and Liver by Mind Map: GI and Liver

1. ulcer

1.1. Erosion in mucosal lining of stomach, oesoph, or duodenum

1.2. Causes

1.2.1. irritants that increase hydrochloric acid, NSAIDs + steroids, stress, H. pylori bacteria - doxycycline, amoxacillin, metronidazole

1.3. Signs and Symptoms

1.3.1. Duodenal Ulcer - epigastric pain - pain relieved by food intake - melena

1.3.2. Gastric Ulcer -Mid epigastric pain 1/2 - 1 h post meal - discomfort that is increased by food intake - Vomiting (common and provides relief from pain)

1.4. Diagnostic tools for ulcers

1.4.1. Upper GI studies

1.4.2. barium swallow

1.4.3. Endoscopy

1.4.4. Gastric analysis

1.4.5. Biopsy

1.5. Treatment

1.5.1. Antacids

1.5.2. antibiotics

1.5.3. histamine (H2 receptor) blockers

1.5.4. anticholinergics

1.5.5. antispasmodics

1.5.6. proton pump inhibitors

1.5.7. barrier drugs

2. Inflammatory Bowel Disorders