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Security by Mind Map: Security

1. Physical

1.1. Pessoas

1.2. Propriedade

1.3. Aeroporto

1.4. Cada

1.5. Meio ambiente

1.6. corporação

1.7. food

2. Information Technology Realm

2.1. communications

2.2. computer

2.3. internet

2.4. data

2.5. information

2.6. Network

3. Political

3.1. International relations

3.2. Homeland

3.3. National

3.4. public

3.5. internal

3.6. human

3.7. mlitary

4. strengthen policies

5. homelandsecurity

6. Risk Assessment

6.1. Stress Test

7. Technical

7.1. Encryption

7.1.1. Passwords

7.1.2. firewall

7.2. Safeguards

7.2.1. security of classified documents/information

8. Government

8.1. Inteligência

8.2. Law Enforcement

8.2.1. Punishment from actions

8.2.2. body cameras

8.3. Militar

8.3.1. counter cyber terrorism

9. Monetary

9.1. Financial

9.1.1. Savings strong ali policy Retirement Personal Emergency Dedicated Projects/Pleasures

9.1.2. Investments

9.1.3. Cash

9.2. Border

9.3. social

9.3.1. more human interactions

9.3.2. applications

10. Religion

10.1. Worship

10.1.1. Community

10.1.2. Faith

10.1.3. Intervention

10.1.4. Love

11. school safety reinforcement by adding more security agents