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1. security and password

1.1. Includes Numbers, Symbols, Capital Letters, and Lower-Case Letters: Use a mix of different types of characters to make the password harder to crack.

1.2. tips on how to make a strong security and password

1.2.1. Has 12 Characters, Minimum. Should generally go for passwords that are a minimum of 12 to 14 characters in length. A longer password would be even better.

1.2.2. Isn’t a Dictionary Word or Combination of Dictionary Words: Stay away from obvious dictionary words and combinations of dictionary words.

1.2.3. Doesn’t Rely on Obvious Substitutions: Don’t use common substitutions.

1.2.4. install anti-sypware to safe your password to prevent from hackers.

1.2.5. How to Create a Strong Password

1.2.6. doesnt share your password to other staff

1.2.7. Don’t just use one password. It’s possible that someone working at a site where you use that password could pass it on.

1.2.8. Consider using multi-factor authentication

2. personal security awareness

2.1. 1.Don’t abandon your devices unlocked/unattended . Be it a computer or a mobile phone, the electronic devices that we own contain personal data on them that can destroy us if it got in the wrong hands. Make it a practice to never leave your phones unlocked and/or unattended at any place.

2.2. 2.Be extra careful while clicking links and attachments in emails. Always be super-wary before clicking on attachments and links because, even though the sending party might look legitimate, there is a possibility that they might not be.

2.3. 3.Use VPN connections Proxy networks or VPN clients can go a long way toward protecting you from the threats posed by the hacking community.

2.4. 4. Use anti virus and make sure that application keeps running and up to date.

2.5. 5.Sensitive browsing (that includes shopping or financial transactions) should be done only on one’s personal devices. Don’t risk your data getting stolen by doing an urgent transaction on a public computer or even a friend’s phone.

2.6. 6.Attend security awareness seminars. Security awareness is something that there can never be enough of. If there is a pro-bono information security seminar happening somewhere in your vicinity, try to take time out to go there.

2.7. 7.Two-step authentication. always try to have two-step authentication set up on all of your online accounts.

3. How hackers take over your accounts using social engineering (Marketplace)

4. social engineering

4.1. tips how to avoid from social engineering

4.1.1. Do not open any emails from untrusted sources. Be sure to contact a friend or family member in person or via phone if you ever receive an email message that seems unlike them in any way.

4.1.2. Do not give offers from strangers the benefit of the doubt. If they seem too good to be true, they probably are.

4.1.3. Delete any request for financial information or passwords. If you get asked to reply to a message with personal information, it’s a scam.

4.1.4. Lock your laptop whenever you are away from your workstation.

4.1.5. Purchase anti-virus software. No AV solution can defend against every threat that seeks to see users’ information, but they can help protect against some.

4.1.6. Set your spam filters to high. Every email program has spam filters. To find yours, look at your settings options, and set these to high–just remember to check your spam folder periodically to see if legitimate email has been accidentally trapped there.

4.1.7. Secure your computing devices. Install anti-virus software, firewalls, email filters and keep these up-to-date. Set your operating system to automatically update, and if your smartphone doesn’t automatically update, manually update it whenever you receive a notice to do so. Use an anti-phishing tool offered by your web browser or third party to alert you to risks.

4.2. example video how hackers use for social engineering

4.2.1. This is how hackers hack you using simple social engineering