Constructivist Theories-reader is an ACTIVE member of the meaning making

Courtney- Constructivist Theories. Reading Response 2

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Constructivist Theories-reader is an ACTIVE member of the meaning making by Mind Map: Constructivist Theories-reader is an ACTIVE member of the meaning making

1. Critical Literacy- Luke & Freebody (1997)

1.1. Reading is tied to social and cultural backgrounds

1.2. Reading materials are based upon a reader's social and cultural background

1.3. reading is a social practice- can be done in various forms

1.3.1. depend on a child's background

1.4. Critical literacy is about developing ways to see through texts

2. Transactional/Reader Response- Rosenblatt (2013)

2.1. reading involves the reader and the text

2.1.1. the reader uses experiences that he/she has had to make sense of the text

2.2. efferent and aesthetic responses

2.2.1. efferent-fact based

2.2.2. aesthetic-social/emotional based

2.3. meaning comes from the transaction between the reader and the text, not separate entities

3. Schema- Anderson (1984)

3.1. making sense of text by using previous knowledge

3.2. people make different categories in their brain to make sense of knowledge

3.3. schema is based on a person's social and cultural background