Technology and the Writing Process

Integrating Technology throughout the Writing ProcessKim J. Hyatt, Carnegie Mellon University, USAJonathan Gunnell, Colleen Roberts, and Holly Smith, Duquesne University, USA

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Technology and the Writing Process by Mind Map: Technology and the Writing Process

1. Concept Maps

2. Sharpen critical thinking skills

3. Graphical tools for orgainzing ideas

4. Revising: Clarify ideas & reorganize content

4.1. Write Experience

4.1.1. focus & meaning

4.1.2. content & development

4.1.3. organization

4.1.4. language use and style

4.1.5. mechanics and conventions

4.2. IntelliMetric

4.3. Stages of Bloom's revised taxonomy for learning

4.3.1. Remember

4.3.2. Understand

4.3.3. Analyze

4.3.4. Apply

4.3.5. Evaluate

4.3.6. Create

5. Publishing: help writers share their work

5.1. Blogsy

5.2. PressJack

5.3. iBooks Author

5.4. Phoster

5.5. App Studio

5.6. Flipboard

6. Improve writing skills

6.1. brainstorming

6.2. drafting

6.3. revising

6.4. editing

6.5. publishing

7. Brainstorming: Software & Apps.

7.1. Inspiration Software Inc

7.2. Mind Meister

7.3. Simple Mind+

8. Drafting: Organize ideas, organize the structure, collaborate with peers

8.1. Writer's Muse

8.2. Inspiro

8.3. Story Up

8.4. Writer's Block Buster

8.5. Storyist

8.6. Draft Pad

8.7. NanoWriter

9. Editing: Creating an error-free final product

9.1. iAnnotate

9.1.1. free hand drawing

9.1.2. sticky notes

9.1.3. highlighting

9.1.4. voice comments

9.1.5. quick way to give feedback